Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Orphanage visit

I finally went to help out at Mother Theresa's orphanage this morning!!
I met with the nun in charge, Sister Ignacio, who took me back to the babies. There were 20 babies lined up in cribs in one room with 2 caregivers. They were all just laying there pretty content except for this tiny little girl who kept crying- she was about one month old- I picked her up and wrapped her in a blanket and she was quiet right away. While I was holding her this other baby kept waving at me- I was guessing the baby was about 7-9 months old because it was sitting up. All the babies have very short hair- they keep it that way- so you couldn't tell boy from girl. I kept looking over and she would wave and smile.
Two other ladies came to volunteer that were Dutch and they have been doing this for 3 years- I was so thankful as I wasn't sure what I was going to do all morning. They told me that they take the babies outside and let them get fresh air and roll around so we would pick up babies and take them out into the hallway to play. I kept looking at that one little girl who was always smiling and I finally asked the caregiver what her name was- It was Elizabeth!! She was beautiful. I still tried to stay away but when she woke up from a nap and was crying I had to hold her. She snuggled right up to me. I loved it!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a week!!

My mom sent me a great email about the seasons in our life and I feel as though we have been through all the seasons just this week...
On Wednesday, Michelle's father, Chelsea's best buddy, passed away. Martin Dillon was 54 years old from Ireland working for Project Concern. He lived in the States, Uganda, Kenya, Ireland, and Zambia always looking for a way to help others. He leaves behind his wife Rebecca, daughter Michelle 11 and son Chris 9. Please pray for this family as they fly to Ireland today for the funeral and then on to the States. They hope to return in January!
On Friday- Erik and I picked the children up from school. Bradley told us that he had something to tell us when we all got in the car- He is to play Danny Zuko from Grease in the Year 5's Top of the Pops show in December- he said I will need a black leather jacket and black T-shirt. This is just a mix of 4 songs from Grease and they will be miming the songs. We did have to change some of the lyrics to make it more suitable for children:)
On Saturday, Chelsea and I sat around all morning at the basketball tournament waiting for ISL to play. After 3 hours, our girls took the court to get beat 3-8. The bonus about waiting around so long was Erik was able to get to the school after baseball to watch her play. Brad spent the afternoon playing at the Cook's house while Chelsea, Erik and I tried a new cafe for lunch.
Sunday we were once again blessed with a wonderful sermon by Pastor Walker. You know when you've been struggling with something and you go to church and the preacher teaches from the Word specifically to those issues- God is talking to you!!
We then went to bible study where John continued on in Mark 7 about the Pharisees fussing about the disciples not washing their hands. Jesus goes on to tell them that "What comes out of a man is what makes him "unclean"". Let's make sure we always look to the heart of a man!!
This morning- I met Patricia in the school parking lot and she delivered a beautiful tub of fresh vegetables to me- My car smelled so good. Now I need to know what to cook? I got 3 bags of fresh lettuce, 10 fresh eggs, spinach, broccoli, herbs(I would name them if I could- I did recognize Rosemary, Basil and Oregano, I think) eggplants, baby zucchinis, baby green peppers, green beans, scallions, and radishes. So I'm planning Eggplant parmigiana, chicken with rosemary along with roasted potatoes and spinach, maybe chicken, spinach, cheese casserole?? Send any ideas especially for the scallions and radishes.
One more thing...Lee and I had another mother join us on our "prayer walk" this morning. Her name is MiSun- she is Korean and has been a Christian for 7 years, previously Buddhist. As we prayed in English, she would pray in Korean...I got a glimpse of Heaven this morning as I looked around at Christians of different background, culture, and race.
I thank God for allowing me to see the diversity!!