Friday, October 31, 2008

Red, White and Blue

We drove the kids past the US Embassy residence the other day, it is 4 streets down from our home, and we all stopped to admire the beautiful flag that was flowing so brightly in the midst of the flambouyant trees. What a picture- oh, I didn't have my camera- I will go back!!
As I looked at that flag- I thought of all it stood for, I thought of our founding fathers who created a government to take care of the people of the United States then I thought of our one true Father- who created humans to have a relationship with Him.
What must He think when he looks at our country???
He died so we could live freely and we "choose" to push him out of every decision we make.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"Genesis 1:1- how can we look at a tree, a lily, a star, the sun, newborn life and doubt Him?
"Share with God's people who are in need"Romans 12:13- Why do we need our government doing this for us?? God says to share- all that you have is His anyway- do with His as He wishes.
"And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again"2 Corinthians 5:15 Pro-choice??? I don't think so.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" Psalm 139:13
Pro-life!! 50 million abortions in the US alone since it was legalized in 1973, what are we telling our children??
"But for Adam no suitable helper was found...the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of man and he brought her to the man." Genesis 2:20-22 No explanation needed.

For God's creation to function as He created it, we must return to Him. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Don't we want what He has planned for us?? I do!!

Living in Africa has given me a different perspective of the Country that I love so much- the freedoms that we have, the provisions that are in abundance, the protection of law enforcement officers at the touch of 3 buttons, numerous places of worship, free education promised by our Constitution, a home for every child, excellent medical care at reasonable costs. We are so blessed!

PLEASE- before you vote on Tuesday- Look at what your candidate and his party stand for.... Is he bettering the earth that God created???

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jesus Walks on the Water

Our Bible study was rich last night. I felt the Lord speaking to me through his Words in Mark. Mark 6:45-51- Jesus has just fed the five thousand people from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish with plenty left over and sent the disciples away. Jesus went up the mountain to pray to His Father.
The disciples were traveling by boat on the sea when the winds picked up and the disciples began to struggle with the oars, Jesus saw them in the midst of their struggles. Jesus walked to them on the water but they did not recognize him and called him a ghost- they were terrified. Jesus says" Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid". How stubborn are these disciples to witness God's miracles time after time and yet still question?? Jesus is walking beside them, teaching them and they still struggle with His Power but He is a wonderful Teacher- and will continue to teach until we get it. Jesus watches the disciples pattern(it looks alot like mine)
Situtation in life- panic- God handles- I thank God.
Next: Situation in life-panic-God handles- I thank God- when will I learn to leave out the panic?? It serves no purpose except to show God I still lack complete trust and faith in Him alone. I'm glad to know that He will not give up on me!!

Kalimba Reptile Park

After a week of doing nothing but resting, watching movies and playing cards...we had the Shaw's over for dinner Friday night then went to Kalimba Reptile Park on Saturday.
As we went into the reception area we ran into Niki and Kelsey Cook- they were there with the new 40/40 group- Baptist Missionary training in Lusaka, 30 something new missionaries coming to Zambia- How awesome is that!! We saw the rest of the Cook family by the snake cages then ran into Suzie and Hannah Rodgers by the pool. Small world!
The Revillas met us at the park so my kids were happy to run around with 3 more kids. We had a tour guide that showed us all the different snakes that loom around our area. There was one bad boy that I would never want to meet, The Black Mamba. He will stand up and look at you and then chase you down. My friend, Caroline, found one of these in her garden(that is what they call a yard) a couple of weeks ago. Scary!!
We also met some Puff Adders, a huge Python and brown house snake. The kids got to hold this snake. Chelsea asked for the snake skin from one of the big daddies so we now have that hanging in Bradley's room. Jane told me that it scared her when she walked in.
We got to see baby crocs, teenage crocs and Daddy crocs. The smaller crocs were all enclosed in a "pin" with a four foot cement wall around it. The Daddy crocs were in a man-made lake that was surrounded by a two foot cement wall and chain-link fence above it- the big hole chain-link fence. The crocs would lay right beside the wall and the kids would stick their fingers in to point at it- Never happen in the U.S.!! I asked our guide if any visitors had been eaten- he said what I wanted to hear, "no".
The kids swam in one of the two pools they had while we grilled hamburgers and sausages. The weather was great- the flies were everywhere- but for less than $15 per family, it was a very nice afternoon. My children were very happy on the way home as they planned to decorate our office as a snake skin museum- Great!!