Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

As Erik and I reflect on 2008 we start with New Year's Eve...

We were at the Orange Picker lot eating Chili's beside a bonfire, with the Littles, of course. We were looking forward to the final stages on construction and moving into our houses. All the fun times ahead - who would have known that life would take us in a different direction??

My new Zambian phrase: "Only God knows!"

We moved in the house in March. Erik took a trip to Zambia, Africa in May to check out the possibility of building some hostels for the 2011 All-African games. The hostel job did not work out but the opportunity to bring some construction skills to some Zambian men and provide a better wage and quality of life was put on the hearts of Erik and Bob West. After months of prayer and discussion with a Zambian contractor, we moved in August to Lusaka, Zambia to start Z-Con. Although the business did not turn out as we had hoped, we were so blessed this year with such an adventure.

We learned so much about the African people and made many good friends. God taught me a little more about differences, love and the meaning of life. He taught me to rely on Him for all my needs and He would provide and He has been faithful.

We are ready to return home to our family and friends and begin the next chapter with a different perspective. I pray that Erik, Chelsea, Bradley and I always remember this experience and we all grow from it. Thanks for sharing it with us!!

Merry Christmas and God bless you all-
Much love- The Kaspers