Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Erik has given me to okay to drive around Lusaka...I forgot to buy "The Post" today and find out if there was a warning throughout the city. I actually fared pretty well. The extent of my travels included Medcorp, The Game and home.

Medcorp is a clinic with American Dr. Meade who saw Bradley for a bronchial infection. The visit and medicine was 162,000 ZMK, about $50. Not bad at all!! He is feeling much better and the cough is slowing down.

The Game, a combination between Big Lots and Walmart, gets merchandise in and goes out quickly. I was able to buy a garbage can, iron, hangers and Mike and Ikes!!! I am a happy girl now!! Someone contact David Farber and tell him to get Coke Light here quickly- the demand in Lusaka went up by 200% this week and they were not prepared. The demand is quickly outweighing the supply:)

Here are pictures of the home:
This is our master bedroom, Bradley's room, Guest (kid's) bathroom, the pool.

Peterson is very disappointed that the toilets here have very little water. He now must drink from the pool or his water bowl- what a bummer!!

Congrats to MCS for returning back to school!! We pray for a great school year for all. What an exciting year for the 6th graders with all the electives and school sports, etc. Have fun!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh, Rats!!

Yes, I said Rats...The minivan we bought had a distinct odor that we could not figure out until we saw a few little chocolate sprinkles on the floorboard. Since Africa does not have much chocolate we quickly figured out it was something else altogether...We had the air-conditioner cleaned out only to find 2 rats that had found their way in the car while it was being stored for us. Unfortunately, that was their last adventure... Now we have a strawberry scent in our car...

We went to start the van this morning and it did not we borrowed Bob and Jim's car, went to ISL, International School of Lusaka, to talk to the Headmaster at 8am. He is from Vermont, thank you Lord, and was somewhat positive that he can place the children- I explained that me and homeschooling don't mix very well. Erik volunteered me for PTA president, volleyball coach and dusting cabinets twice a week!! Both grades for the children are full but with a week before school starting they are not sure if their previous students will be returning. Zambian motto: No hurries, no worries...

We left the school and had a flat tire in the rental- Erik called AAA, not!! He changed the tire and off we went to check on the bank account- Should be open tomorrow- 3 business days. We asked about a vehicle lease- that is what they call loans- this is all very new to Zambia still. It will take about one month to get the loan and car from Toyota. No hurries, no worries...

Sunday was an awesome day. We worshipped in the morning with all the Zambians singing praise music and were blessed with a message about overflowing with the Holy Spirit- we had some great discussion afterwards and the kids loved the music. The kids stayed in church with us but they do have programming for the kids- maybe next week. We went shopping at the local market then off to lunch. Last night we joined the local Baptist missionaries for a Bible study on Mark- studying the parables- It was the parable about the lamp on a stand- letting your light shine- you must first receive the light then share it. I pray we all receive the light everyday and share that light. What a blessing we have in Jesus!!

Tonight is Pot Roast with carrots and green beans. It is not tough to come up with meals just an adjustment. No boneless chicken breasts, no tenderloins(my favorite) but we will adjust. No syrup but I read how to make it- maybe this Saturday we will try pancakes(they call them crumpets)

Life is a different adventure every day...I'll have to tell you about my driving later- I need a lot of practice:)

God is so good. So glad to share this adventure with you all!!