Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Zambian

This morning we woke up early to get all of our errands completed...hah!!

We drove by the gas station for a Diet Coke and Mike and Ike's- no such luck, they had Coke Lights yesterday but none today.

We went to the bank to open a checking account. We needed a passport photo, copy of our passport, a reference letter and a copy of Erik's pay stub. We had cash but they didn't care.
We got all this information and will return tomorrow morning to open the account, well, to begin the processing, it will take 2-3 days to open a checking account???
I asked about their online banking features...but got no response.

We then headed to the market to get the passport photos and found a Coke light at a little cafe.

Got the photos, went to the Game to buy appliances, hangers, dog leash, etc. It was a mad house. The sale paper comes out on Wednesday so Thursday morning is the worst time to shop if you don't like crowds and the best time to shop if you like deals. People were loading up on pillows, curtains, and sheets. They don't get this stuff in often so when it comes in they go crazy. It reminded me of Lisa Stratton shopping for a Wii:)

Our appliances were delivered as we went to eat lunch. We met another couple from South Carolina who are here teaching preachers in the "Compounds" deeper knowledge of the Word. Pretty cool!! They are here for 3 years and have been here for 6 months so far.

We did go by to open a PO Box for mail as they do not have home delivery here. We signed up for a year and we were told to come back around 3 for the key- Erik went back at 3:30 and was told to come back in the morning. No hurries, no worries in Lusaka!!

I went garage sale shopping with Niki Cook, Baptist missionary house rep, and got some household items that are hard to find or very expensive; hangers, ziploc bags, Tupperware.

We went to dinner this evening as the electrician was at our house installing the stove- everything is in celcius here or liters, I cooked a chocolate cake from Pillsbury($10) at 180 degrees celcius. Life is certainly different and the grocery store has 2 choices- US brands, very expensive or African brands, comparable to US. We did buy peanut butter, I will let you know tomorrow how it tastes.

While I was away shopping, the kids had to entertain themselves, Erik was working on the appliances. Without TV or a DS, they must work together and be creative...This was their project today.


the Bateh's said...

WOW!! How exciting your life is going to be--metric conversions!!
I can have one of the math teachers at school on hold with "skype" for needed help?!!
We are so happy that you all made it safely! What an experience!! Enjoy every minute of it! Take a lot of pictures. JOURNAL! What a great read!
Hugs and kisses to the whole family including Mr. Petersen!!
We miss you already! Let me know how the cake turns out!

Sorrells Family said...

Hello! We are enjoying reading about your travels! So glad you arrived safely (with only a few glitches!). I'm electronic detox...that is exactly what my girls need! Keep us posted on the po long does mail take to reach you? Life in Jax the w/afternoon storms..teacher post cards arrived today..we will miss you guys at MCS. Keep the blogs coming!

Stratton's said...

so glad you arrived safely! We just got back from Bible Boot camp, Africa didnt sound to bad compared to my week with 12 six graders! (Just kidding) I'm glad i went not to sure i will do it again next year though, looks like the kids made wise use of their time with their new "Box" house, Taylor got Mrs. Cellura yeah! Let Bradley know Taylor will miss him but enjoy hearing about his school, we miss you guys!!

Unknown said...

I love your blog - it is great to see the pictures and hear how you are doing. How was the peanut butter? Can you buy crystal lite? That we be easy to send.
I miss and love you. I am praying for you.