Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Call From Mandarin Christian School

Tonight at 7:45pm we received a Skype phone call from Mrs. Cellura's 4th grade class. Bradley is still smiling!!
Stephen Diehl, the IT guy at MCS, set up a screen and the computer so Bradley could talk to his friends. We were able to show them the house, the pantry, Brad's room, they met our guard, John, who taught them a few words in Nyanja, they saw Peterson and Chelsea.
We got to see Mr. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Olender, Mrs. Cellura, the 4th grade class and as an added bonus for Chelsea her pals stopped by to say "hello". It made us all so happy to see everyone!! Thank you for that wonderful blessing!!

I got my van back last night so I am back in business. It only took two days and the lady that hit me paid for all the damages:)

Tomorrow I will be meeting with a local social worker, Viola. She has to do a home study here in Lusaka, send it to our Social Worker in Jacksonville to continue the adoption process. I will also check into the process for adoption in Zambia. I will let you know tomorrow.


Jeanne said...

Good morning Carmen, it is pretty early here but I am awake, so here I am reading your blog. You are doing an amazing job and your text is delightful. I have scrolled down a few posts and have truly enjoyed reading about your adventures in Africa.

I talked to Christina the other day and she told me where you are and about your blog. What a life style change Carmen. I admire you and your family so much to make a brave move like this.

I will be back to keep up with your adventures often.

Love and blessings to you all.

Jeanne (Christina's mom)

Christina - Go Gators!!! said...

Hi Carman,

I can see my mom was here. I'll have to tell her the correct way to spell your name. Her sister's name is Carmen. Pretty cool that your kids got to talk to and see their friends. Remind Chelsea that her friends will still be here when she gets back and that they do miss her too. Several kids shared that with me when I substituted. I will pray for her.

Take care,
