Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday Fun!!

Before I get to the fun Friday activities let me tell you what happened on Thursday. I was at Shop-Rite to buy our groceries for dinner- I had backed out of my parking space and was about to exit the parking lot when a lady driving a van backed out of her space right into me. I was laying on the horn but she was not listening- obviously!! The damages are to the left front quarter panel, no damage to my tire or wheel. My driver's door just makes a squeaky noise when I open it. Erik has taken the car to the shop today to be repaired, the lady had no insurance but has agreed to pay for it- I'll let you know how that turns out:)

We had the Cooks over Thursday night for dinner and swimming. Niki, Coby, Kelsey and Hannah Rodgers came over. Ricky and Austin, Niki's husband and oldest son, were in Jo'burg for the weekend. As the kids were swimming, we kept seeing this little head pop up over the concrete wall from our neighbor's house. We asked him to come over and meet the kids. His name is Jonathon, he is 13 years old, and he belongs to the maid, Jane, at the house next door. We asked him to come back and swim today. His English is not too strong we will have to work on communicating.

Friday afternoon at 14 hours, Chelsea played in her first basketball game for her school, ISL. They were playing the dreaded American International School. The league is U-15- that means 6, 7, 8, 9th graders were playing. She started the game and looked scared to death. The stands were packed with students from both schools, she looked at Erik and I and mouthed, "I'm scared". She was defending a girl about 5 feet 6 inches tall. I told her, don't worry about how tall they are- they all have to bring the ball down to dribble in front of them, steal the ball then. Well, she never really felt comfortable on the defensive end but when she got the ball she did a great job dribbling down the court, going for shots, passing, etc. She scored 4 out of the teams 10 points. There were 4 girls her age on the team and the coach played 2 of them at a time so she got to be on the court for quite a bit of time. The final score was 35-10- She was the leading scorer on her team with 2 baskets!!

We attended the "Town meeting" last night at the Marine House in Lusaka. There were about 150 Americans. They were all here for various reasons. We hung out with the friends we already have here and met some new ones.


Unknown said...

I bet poor Chelsea was scared. Hope the car gets fixed soon and I am glad no one was hurt. Is the weather turning warmer there? Hope you are having a great weekend.

MeMe said...

My poor poor girls. Wish I had been there to see Chelsea play. She is so brave. I am so proud of you.

sorry about your wreck- did you call the police or how does that go?

How did your church go today? Didn't you and Chelsea have to get skirts?

Miss You