Friday, October 3, 2008

Birthday Surprise

My ex-patriot housewife friends- Alix, Nubia, Caroline and Stephanie- all surprised me this morning at coffee with 2 beautiful African pillows and a piece of Lemon Meringue pie delivered by the singing crew at Kilamanjaro. What a nice surprise. (As the singing crew went into the 2nd round of "how old are you?"- I quickly told them we don't ask that in American especially when you are nearing 40, like me!!)
What a great way to start my weekend. The rest of the weekend will be involved in sports starting with Chelsea's basketball game today at 2pm then an all-day Volleyball tournament at the American school tomorrow from 9-1. Bradley, Bob and Erik will be spending the day at a local football (soccer) tournament with our logistics manager, Stephen. Bradley will have his first swimming gala next Saturday morning at his school from 10-12 then the school is having a barbeque- they call a braai. Should be a fun day.
Moses started his reading lessons this week and I must say he is a very fast learner. I have learned from him that he has memorized quite a lot. We went to the Rose Garden the other day for fertilizer and he read the sign on the door "Staff Only"- I said, "You know how to read" but he proceeded to tell me that he use to work somewhere years ago and one door said "Staff Only" so he had memorized that. It is amazing what you must do to survive- as in everything in life- we all have choices- to learn to survive or lay down and die!

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