Monday, October 27, 2008

Jesus Walks on the Water

Our Bible study was rich last night. I felt the Lord speaking to me through his Words in Mark. Mark 6:45-51- Jesus has just fed the five thousand people from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish with plenty left over and sent the disciples away. Jesus went up the mountain to pray to His Father.
The disciples were traveling by boat on the sea when the winds picked up and the disciples began to struggle with the oars, Jesus saw them in the midst of their struggles. Jesus walked to them on the water but they did not recognize him and called him a ghost- they were terrified. Jesus says" Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid". How stubborn are these disciples to witness God's miracles time after time and yet still question?? Jesus is walking beside them, teaching them and they still struggle with His Power but He is a wonderful Teacher- and will continue to teach until we get it. Jesus watches the disciples pattern(it looks alot like mine)
Situtation in life- panic- God handles- I thank God.
Next: Situation in life-panic-God handles- I thank God- when will I learn to leave out the panic?? It serves no purpose except to show God I still lack complete trust and faith in Him alone. I'm glad to know that He will not give up on me!!

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