Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rough Week

I should check the calendar as I think it is close to Mother's Day...

I found out that 2 people that I have met have contracted HIV, both women.
One woman found out when she was pregnant but her husband refuses to be tested. The baby was born HIV negative, thank you Lord!!
The other lady did not give me her story but is in the professional field with a couple of years of higher education.
Two women, two different backgrounds, two different financial situations, one homemaker in the compounds - the other a government employee. Why does this happen??
Everywhere you go- there is prevention available.
A radio show I listened to suggested men have an operation that will result in a 65% less chance of spreading the virus- NOONE, NOONE speaks of abstinence.
Is the value of life worth so little that you would rather not know?? There is FREE ARV medicine to help build the immune system and avoid sicknesses that could kill you.
How is it spreading so quickly?
It is acceptable to have more than one wife especially in the villages. The Chief of a village must have many wives to keep up his status which demands respect from the others in the village.
I don't know about the other men in town that are not chiefs!
Jane asked me if our husbands were allowed to have more than one wife...I told her Erik has enough headache with one!! She told me that even if men don't take more than one wife, they can still have many girlfriends.
HIV does not discriminate to age, race or social class, or Country!!
***As I read back over this I realized that I am not just speaking about Africa- the Chief of the village example excluded. Dr. Phil, a parent in Bradley's class, is a Doctor from the US doing research on the transmission of HIV- he told me that Africa is no different than the US as far as their attitude towards this disease- The US just found out about it before it had spread throughout 25% of the population. I pray we are teaching our children about God's perfect plan!!

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