Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Orphanage visit

I finally went to help out at Mother Theresa's orphanage this morning!!
I met with the nun in charge, Sister Ignacio, who took me back to the babies. There were 20 babies lined up in cribs in one room with 2 caregivers. They were all just laying there pretty content except for this tiny little girl who kept crying- she was about one month old- I picked her up and wrapped her in a blanket and she was quiet right away. While I was holding her this other baby kept waving at me- I was guessing the baby was about 7-9 months old because it was sitting up. All the babies have very short hair- they keep it that way- so you couldn't tell boy from girl. I kept looking over and she would wave and smile.
Two other ladies came to volunteer that were Dutch and they have been doing this for 3 years- I was so thankful as I wasn't sure what I was going to do all morning. They told me that they take the babies outside and let them get fresh air and roll around so we would pick up babies and take them out into the hallway to play. I kept looking at that one little girl who was always smiling and I finally asked the caregiver what her name was- It was Elizabeth!! She was beautiful. I still tried to stay away but when she woke up from a nap and was crying I had to hold her. She snuggled right up to me. I loved it!!


Amy said...

You school I had a friend named Elizabeth. We called her..... Lilly! Wish I was there with you!

MeMe said...

Oh Honey, that sounds like such a wonderful thing to do. I wish I was there to help with those babies.

Lizzy, Lilly it does not matter to me.