Friday, February 6, 2009

Still transitioning...

Although we were gone for only 5 short months, there has been quite a bit of adjusting back to life in the States.

We are back in our home, thanks to some hard work from our very good friends. The kids are back in school and trying to get back in the swing of things. They didn't miss a beat picking back up with their friends. I'm so thankful for that!!
At dinner two nights ago Bradley asked, "What country are we going to next?" You gotta love his sense of adventure.

Work for Erik is tough. We have picked up a few jobs and are grateful for whatever work we can get. We are pursuing new avenues and trying some new marketing approaches meanwhile trying to stay as lean as possible during this economy. We know that God is Good and His provisions are enough!!


Nolo said...

hi, its me, Nolo.i woud just like to know how you're doing.we miss you like CRAZY here in Zambia.please come and visit us!!!its really not fun with-out you guys. i'd just like to say once again that i really do appreciate all that you did for long and prosper!!!
with love:Nolo and
ps:i really mean it!!!you should really visit us!!!

Nolo said...

sorry about the spelling mistakes!!!