Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Second day of School

We were on time this morning!! The kids shuffled off to class and I was off to buy their PE unifoms. They must wear the school t-shirt and a navy blue pair of shorts- remember in the 80s when your dad, or at least my dad, wore those really short Ocean Pacific shorts:) Yeah, well...it is okay for Chelsea to wear but Brad may have to opt for some of his own navy shorts. I'll make sure to take a picture Friday, PE day. The primary school(elementary) has PE two days a week and the kids just wear their PE uniforms to school all day!! We will see how long I can keep that shirt white!
I was called by the school nurse at 11:30- Chelsea couldn't stop coughing. I picked her up and brought her home for a nap.
When I picked Brad up he told me he wanted to sign up for the Spelling Bee. He had to run over to the French room to sign the paper. The Spelling Bee will be in French. What is he thinking?? I didn't want to discourage so look for the You-tube of Brad in his first French Spelling Bee- should be interesting. He also told me today that he wants to join the school's swimming team. Okay!!
At dinner, after many hours of thought, he asked me if I thought they would have to wear those really small bathing suits. It's funny what goes through his mind.
I had coffee with Alix, Nubia and a French lady named Caroline. It was great camarderie and we plan on meeting in the morning to walk. Thursday we are going to the Farmer's market. It is nice to find other people from other places but taking a similar journey.
It is always fun to make new friends.


Unknown said...

Poor Chelsea - I hope she is feeling better soon. Mr. Bradley could be in the Olympics after living in Africa. Maybe a gold medal swimmer. I look forward to more pictures. I am so glad you have some friends. I can't wait to hear about the Farmer's Market. I don't have the correct address for Chelsea - please email that to me. I love you all.

kicsak5 said...

Hi Carman,

I am so glad Jim told me you have a blog. I want to start one so bad when we move there, but it in no way will compare to yours. I just spent the last 15 minutes reading it from the beginning and you are doing a great job telling us about your adventure.

I am looking so forward to seeing you all again. Hopefully it will be near the beginning of the new year.

I, too, hope Chelsea is feeling better. I am delighted to know that you can receive decent medical care there in Lusaka.

Jim didn't tell me that the president had died. I had heard such wonderful things about him. Is the Vice President serving now? How soon will they have their election?

Well, now that I know you have a blog, I can keep up with it on a more timely basis.

God Bless You All,

Meredith said...

Hey Chelsea,
its Meredith!!!
I hope you're enjoying your trip to Africa! I can't wait till u come back! See ya later!!