Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Lord is trying to tell you something...

I was sitting in church this morning with all these people who were singing their hearts out to Jesus and I had a vision...Remember in The Color Purple, one of my very favorite movies, when Sug Avery is at the Honky Tonk singing and her daddy's church choir is just down the road singing praises to God? Sug starts walking down the street, tears streaming down her facing singing, "The Lord is trying to tell you something...right here, right now". Her daddy held out his arms and loved his daughter as he had not done in years. God is so good!! He made us to love.

Yes, I actually took a picture in church- well, I talked Erik into taking it but I wanted you to see what I was feeling. Awesome worship. Pastor Walker came out and continued to preach on the Holy Spirit- he is a gifted teacher. He was reading from Ephesians still about the Holy Spirit coming to live inside us when we accept Christ and He is with us FOREVER!! When we sin, which I do often, I can't put the Holy Spirit in my room- gossip about others- then when I am finished with my sin, pick Him back up again. He is always with us. Guiding us, counseling us, trying so hard to keep us in His will. Thank you Lord for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins then for Jesus to recognize we need a helper here on Earth and providing One in the Holy Spirit.

I love Sundays!! Erik took us out to Lilaya Lodge to have lunch and see if we could spot some wild life. We did see a Bongo- we think- it was far away but to make the story exciting, it was a Bongo. We also saw a few zebras and one deer hiding in the brush next to a pond. I kept waiting for a croc to come out and eat him- too much animal planet for us. They did offer safari rides but we didn't have time today.

I wanted to show you the "taxis". They are crammed with about 30 people sometimes. They are pretty cheap transportation for the locals and you see them everywhere. I wonder if they still cram so many in when it is African hot.

The kids start school tomorrow!! The both did well on their assessment tests and will be in their appropriate grades at ISL- International School of Lusaka. The tests did ask a lot of tricky questions relating to money in terms of pounds and penses as well as measurements in meters and kilometers. The school is a UK curriculum. My kids will have a little adjustment with the measurements and listening well to their teachers as they have British accents. They are troopers and ready to tackle this school year. They are both feeling much better from the last minute colds they caught.

Erik has been working lots of hours and has put bids in all over town to do projects. Just as in the personal business over here- no hurries, no worries- the same goes for business- "Yes, we need that building built last week, we will call you soon"- We need the Zambian dictionary to look up "soon"!! As you get frustrated for their value of realize that it is we who must change...we are the stressed out ones...As my wise uncle once said, "We complain and gripe over the luxuries in the US- never over the needs." These people are just working each day to meet their needs. What a lesson they can teach us. I came here with 8 crates of stuff and still have soooo much more than the majority of the population in Zambia.

Check out our website under contacts for our PO Box and cell phone numbers, just in case. OK Dianne, send 2 bags of Hersey's semi-sweet chocolate chips and we will see if they melt:) Thanks!!

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