Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Catch up

I have some pictures from the last 3 days that I wanted to share so this will just catch you up on our latest activities:

Saturday we went to the Dutch Reform Market- it is within 2 miles from our home and is always the last Saturday of the month(moved this month due to the President's death). It was fun- There were many "booths" set up with vegetables, hand-crafted tables, handmade chitenges- the custom skirts worn by African women, some crafts, they also had bbq chicken- they call bbq "braai". We ran into a lot of people we had met so it was somewhat of a social outing also. I bought a handmade straw basket for the vegetable market and a wood carved Zebra painted bowl. Chelsea bought a purse made from bottle caps- Orange Fanta- and some bottlecap earrings. Bradley bought a local instrument that looks similar to a xylophone but made from wood. We each had 50,000 Kwacha and we each spent it all!! Chelsea is the only one who did a little bargaining:) She is becoming more and more Zambian each day!
We had a birthday party Saturday also. It was for Erik's business partner's daughter, Seeyoko, who was turning 8. They rented two jumpy things- one for mountain climbing and one for watersliding. The party was at a local Indian restaurant where some wonderful food was served. Bradley went reluctantly to the party and as we drove up 3 of his buddies were there- their sisters were invited. He was very happy and played all afternoon. The excitement of the afternoon was the lack of rules on the mountain climbing jumpy thing. The children would get to the top about 12 feet high and rock the thing until it fell over. Scary the first time, frustrating the fifth time. Cindy and Boyd- wouldn't you have to tie that thing to some sandbags in the States- no hurries, no worries in Zambia:)

The boys, Jim and Bob, once again grilled some awesome steaks for us. That is becoming a Saturday tradition- listen to some football over the internet and do some grilling.

Sunday morning we went back to the same church we visited last week, Independent Baptist Church. We have yet to hear Preacher Zulu but look forward to his sermon this weekend. It is a church of about 100 people- 10 of which are from the Baptist missionary bible study we attend. We did meet 2 new couples, one from Mississippi and one that lives 2 streets over from us now with 2 babysitting age daughters.

We had our new neighbors come over to swim on Sunday afternoon- Exit, 12 years old, Treche, 9 years old and Lucas, 6 years old. The kids had a great time playing Colors, Crocodile and Categories- Peterson even joined in on the fun!

Sunday evening we set up a Sunday school studio in our yard as Bob taught his Sunday school class at Hibernia Baptist in Jax over Skype. It was very cool- Technology is amazing!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...nothing like the smell of wet dog.