Saturday, September 13, 2008

Munda Wanga

Today we ventured out of town a bit to a zoo called Munda Wanga. We arrived around 13 hours and walked around the botanical gardens then headed off to the zoo for the animal feeding. Now...there was nothing fancy about this zoo. It was a dirt path, the animals were all fenced in with chain-link fences, no places for drinks, no jaguar exhibit but let me tell was cool!!

Our first exhibit was the antelope, crown-headed crane, peacock, wart-hogs, bush hogs, camels from Libya, zebras then came the lions. Well, PETA would have sued the zoo over what we saw next. They had strategically placed goat heads recently severed from their bodies in various places then they opened the lions gate. We saw 1 male and 5 females run over the hill to have their afternoon snack. The lions were sooo beautiful but I must admit standing there next to the fence as you heard the lion biting down on their snack, yuck!! I plugged my ears and had to look away. I did learn that if I am in the bush and come across a lion, (Lord, please don't let that happen) I need to stare right at the lion and stand very still. If he moves, I move- They attack from behind. So good to know!!

We returned home where "the boys" were once again barbequing. The neighbor kids came over again to play- the girls picked lemons from our lemon tree and made lemonade- the lemons were not quite ripe. The boys helped Bradley work on a Science experience- a water timer!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, that sounds like the kind of zoo Jordan would like.