Monday, September 1, 2008

You have got to be kidding me...

Bradley was complaining over the last two days about a toothache. We thought it was some popcorn or ribs stuck in between his teeth. We brushed and flossed and brushed and flossed...He woke up at 1am this morning with pain, I sent him back to bed- he came in at 2:30am with pain. He tossed and turned the rest of the night. When we woke up late for school this morning- the left side of his face was so swollen. I felt terrible!!
We gave him some pain reliever and sent him to school- I ran into an American dad in the school parking lot that is an ER doctor- his daughter is in Bradley's class so he went in the class and said it looks like an abcessed tooth. I called a dentist that was referred to me and she saw him at 3pm. He made it through school and swim practice with some help from Tylenol.
The dentist finally saw us at 4pm- that was okay- I was thankful that she was able to see us at all. She was wonderful- so sweet to Bradley- it seems that his filling came out and his roots were exposed and infected- Ouch!! She wrote a prescription for penicillin and pain medicine- $10 total. Then she asked me where we were from- I told her Jacksonville, Florida- She just happened to go to college at Jacksonville University and still had friends and family in Jacksonville. Thanks be to God, once again. He is placing people in my path all over this country. What a blessing!!
We will go back Saturday to have x-rays and see if we can go ahead and pull the baby tooth instead of replacing the filling. Bradley should be back to normal in no time!! He invited his first school friend to come over and play Thursday. His name is Sid and he lives in a hotel- just like Zak and Cody!! He eats chocolate donuts for breakfast every morning!! Lucky kid!!


Unknown said...

Poor Bradley! I am so glad he is feeling better:) I will have to read his blogspot now and see his perspective.

Unknown said...

Never a dull moment in the life of the Kasper's!! I wish Bradley well! The dentist from Jax!!??! What a small world! That is one more "God thing" to add to the book! I hope Bradley feels better real soon!

Unknown said...

Poor Bradley! I was a little confused with his blog - half girl and half boy! We need to have a talk. He is too funny.