Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Hope

Today I got to meet Baby Hope- she was born at 6 months old and weighs 1.6 kg, about 3 pounds. I held her in my arms and she was so tiny- it was scary holding her thinking how delicate she is. Hope's mom is a friend of Jane so we have been praying for her and Jane wanted me to meet her. What a blessing that she is even alive because there is not a Neo-natal unit here so she was sent home after 24 hours.

We went to a new church on Sunday, Cornerstone Worship Center. Erik and Bob had lunch with the preacher last week. He is a young guy that has a great vision for the people of Zambia. He asked Bob to speak 2 weeks ago and Erik got to deliver the message this week. He did an awesome job! He spoke on the Scriptures, how they are all God-breathed and have all the answers for life especially relating to being a good husband, good wife and good parent- all to glorify God!! I was so proud of him. He said that was for my birthday. (Jane, Charity and Danny-from Z-con- attend this church)

We then spent last night at our bible study at the Baptist Mission house. We had our lesson and then it was finger food night. It was great fellowship. We got to see Josh Bowman again- he was in town picking up a missionary from Haiti. It is a cool place to be with all the Americans and my kids have fun learning and playing.

Please be praying for my Bradley as he leaves Wednesday through Friday to camp with the entire Year 5 class. They are about 45 minutes out of town. There will be 50 kids with 5 teachers- please pray for the teachers too!!


MeMe said...

That will be a birthday weekend you will always remember from Baby Hope to your friends with the pie and then Erik delivering the message.

I am so happy for you.

Bradley will be prayed for, I just wish Poppy was there to go with him.

Tell Moses to keep up the good work.

Meredith said...

HI Mrs.Kasper!!!

I thought it was cool how Mr.Kasper was speaking about scripture being God-breathed because we were learning the same thing in school and we memorized this verse:
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in rightousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equiped for every good work."
(I forgot where it's found)

Meredtih Smith