Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday, Monday...

I have found in our friend, Bob West, another music lover...we will just be sitting around the house and someone will say something and we break out in song. We had "dueling" you-tubes last weekend recalling songs from the 70s, 80s and movies. It was fun- Erik was caught in the middle but sang along with us. We borrowed the Sound of Music from our neighbor last night and watched and sang!! See how creative you get without cable tv, or maybe the proper word is bored!!

We spent Saturday morning at the kid's school for Bradley's Swimming Debut. He swam in both the 25m Breaststroke and 25m Freestyle. He was 6 out of 6 in the Breaststroke and 5 out of 6 in the Freestyle. The best thing about my boy is that he is happy to be where he is. I have to ruin it with my competitive spirit. After the race, I told him that if he wanted to learn to swim faster, he would have to train more. He said, "no thanks!" End of that discussion. Chelsea's convinced if he would have shed a layer, he would have knocked some time off the clock. (He did insist that I buy him the school's swimming uniform, a blue/green Speedo bikini- he wore it "under" his trunks)
We rested Saturday afternoon- Erik and Bradley went to a movie- Bob fixed some short ribs for dinner and we went to bed early with the intentions of waking up at 2am to listen to the Gator game. Well, when the alarm went off- we turned it off, went back to bed and woke up at 4:30am- nearing the end of the 3rd quarter and it was 20-14- Wow!! That is all I will say since some of my best friends are Tigers or at least married to one.

We went back to Cornerstone Church on Sunday and I was invited to my first "Kitchen Party" by the women of the church. I heard that people have a kitchen party when they need to update the items in their kitchen. Throw yourself a party and people bring you presents- I like it!! Don't start this trend in Jax until I get back- I get to have the first one!!

This morning Niki Cook, Lee Shaw and myself met at the school and walked and prayed over everything we saw and didn't see. We prayed for the headmaster, faculty, maintenance men- for the athletic fields to be covered with children demonstrating good sportsmanship with decent language, we prayed for the lunch tables to be filled with pure conversations void of gossip, slander, or insults, we prayed for the playground- for safety, friendships to be made, good old fashioned fun. We prayed for the Christian teachers- for their witness to be convicting to other faculty and students- we prayed for our children to be bold and confident in their faith and to know that God is with them wherever they may be. We prayed for all the other children- to find the One True God- there are so many different religions at our school. What a blessing for me as I have seen the power of prayer!!
Meredith Smith- thanks for the comments- God is so good how he gives you the same verse more than once in different places- He must want you to memorize that Scripture- It is 2 Timothy 3:16- Read all of 2 Timothy 3 as Paul describes the last days...see if you recognize any of those behaviors!! Tell your Bible teacher, "Thank you"!!


Mum Kasper said...

Good going Bradley! Chelsea is probably right - shed the layers and you will go faster. Glad to hear you are all being "inovative" in your family time. Think it probably has to do with lack of "electronics" in your lives. God bless all of you - enjoy life and each other.

MeMe said...

I really hate not seeing Bradley in his first swim meet. I miss seeing them play any sport. Thank you for the picture.

You can sleep this weekend- NO GATOR GAME!!

How is Peterson?
How are the reading lessons coming?

Kisses to all!