Friday, August 22, 2008

It is PE Friday...

As I promised, please see the picture of Bradley in his PE uniform. I gave him two options, the uniform shorts or some longer blue shorts. He opted for the uniform. I grabbed his sister by the shoulders and said, "If you say one word...". She is so much like her mother, she walked right back in the room and in the nicest voice she could conjour up, said "Nice shorts Brad".
Thank goodness he didn't see the smirk.

My boy has a mind of his own that goes right along with his fashion sense:)

The first week is over- Chelsea was actually smiling when I picked her up yesterday. She had color back in her cheeks and was feeling 100 times better. Thank you Lord!!

We had a wonderful dinner last night with Bob and Mary Sendgikoski- Baptist missionary builders from the States. They had raised four kids and were nearing retirement. They were considering moving to the beaches in Honduras to enjoy their passion of scuba diving but the Lord has other plans for them. The moved to Lusaka in 2005 and began the construction team for Every Orphan's Hope building orphanages called My Father's House. They connect with a local church and pastor in the "Compounds" and now in the "Bush". The pastor finds a widow that would be suitable to care for 8 orphans. There are about 2 million reported orphans in Zambia. Thanks to Bob and Mary answering God's call and allowing Him to work through them, there are 40 less in the compounds. Bob was a wealth of information on the Zambian way, connections in construction, and advice on how we can help this Country. What a wealth of information. I have met 3 people in Lusaka that told me that I had to meet Bob when they heard what our mission was. 3 people in 2 weeks- Thank you God!! Calling that coincidence would be an insult to the God of the Universe who works everything together for His good!!

Bob said that last year they had Christmas for 180 orphans in Lusaka- you better believe that I asked him to put our family on that invite list this year. My mind is going crazy thinking, how can we help?? Raise money for gifts for the kids?? I will continue to pray about this.
Fangmans- you know what that means, get ready!!
The website is Check it out!!

This is for my mom- who is beginning to doubt that I am really here with my family and that some other very clever woman is writing this blog, ha!ha!


Unknown said...

Bradley looks great! I am so happy about you meeting people. I know you and your family will make a difference. Don't forget - look for me a teaching job.. I love you all.

MeMe said...

You are there!! Erik, "Thank You". I needed to see a piture of you. Bradley looks great. So happy about my Chelsea girl feeling better.
Aout the cooking well......ask some locals!!!
Sounds like you are doing great.
We will pray for for your new friends and their mission.

I love you all and miss you!!!

Unknown said...

I just realized all my comments say "Jamie" so I guess I can't say I want an African orphan because that would not be true, if however you send one postage marked "Kerri" will take him/her.