Saturday, December 20, 2008

The final countdown...

We arrived back in Lusaka!! My friend, Nubia, picked us up and took us to her house for some food and fun. Her husband, Julio, had grilled hamburgers, sausage, steaks- here we call that a braai, not a barbeque:) They had two new puppies so Chelsea was entertained while Bradley played and swam with Nubia's 3 sons. It was a very nice afternoon!
We returned home to a very happy Moses! He was happy to see us and hear all about the "big" city. We were excited to check the progress of the garden and there was a little green pepper. Our first vegetable! Moses said it rained here all week so the vegetables looked bigger and there were also lots of mangoes on the trees. I will hate to miss the harvest:(
I was overwhelmed tonight as I looked around the house and thought of all we needed to pack. We were fortunate to sell most of our things to friends and we donated the rest. We are coming home lighter than we came over here, at least in the luggage department. We still have a van to sell!
We have a lot of running around to do tomorrow then a fun night at bible study with Christmas celebrations. We will hate to say good-bye to all our new friends but feel blessed just for knowing them a short while.


MeMe said...

I wish Moses could send pictures of your garden. I know how much fun that was for you. I hope you make time for one on Orange Pickers Road.
We are so excited to have you back here with us but know that it is bittersweet for you all.:) :(

I can't wait to start the sports schedules again and the weekly Sunday morning breakfast at church and most of all just to be able to hug and kiss you all.
:) :) :) :)

Nolo said...

PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!Michelle is back and i'm sure she misses u guys too!!!!