Monday, December 15, 2008


We arrived in Johannesburg yesterday afternoon. It was a 2 hour flight from Lusaka but when we landed we felt like we were anywhere but Africa.
Johannesburg is a big city with big freeways and lots of malls!!
We rented a very small red Toyota Yaris- we piled our bags in and were off. The kids thought the car was so cool!!

We arrived at our hotel around 7pm and we were starving so we ate at a steakhouse, Bull Run, which is attached to our hotel. We were pleasantly surprised at the reasonable prices for dinner. The currency in South Africa is Rand and current exchange rate is around 10ZAR to $1. So when you look at clothes the prices are about 350ZAR or $35.

Our hotel offers a free delicious breakfast buffet. We walked to the Sandton mall today around 9am. The entire mall is beautifully decorated for Christmas and each store is advertising "Big Summer Sale"- it is still odd celebrating Christmas in the middle of Summer! It was cool here today and overcast most of the day with some late afternoon rain!
After a couple hours of shopping, we went to lunch at McDonalds- Erik and the kids were so happy!! We had our first fountain drink is 5 months- it was sooooo delicious!

The kids had their own money and decided they each wanted a Build-A-Bear so we adopted Nola the Giraffe and Mutale the Rhino today.

We shopped some more then went to a movie at 2:00. We walked to an Italian restaurant for dinner then checked out the small shopping area next to our hotel.
We are off to the Apartied museum tomorrow and some shopping at the local craft market.


Amy said...

Are you on a trip or on your way home? Sounds like fun at any rate.
It's supposed to be 80 today so it feels like we're celebrating Christmas in summer too!

MeMe said...

Yea foundtain drinks, build a bear, malls- getting ready for the trip back to the USA.
Sounds like a very educational and fun trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. I loved the walking Christmas tree- animals and seeing you all enjoying everthing.