Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rhino and Lion Park

I will let you figure out how we started the day!!!
The Rhino and Lion Park was about 40 minutes away so we headed off around 9:00am.
The park starts off with a self-driven game drive. We passed through and saw a cool looking antelope and a few birds but were honestly a little disappointed. We drove into the Lion area and searched all over. The drive was mountainous and there were many rocks that were the color of lions so as we drove over 30 minutes and Erik just finished saying, "I want my money back"- he spotted a beautiful female lion sitting on a rock. She was definitely camaflouged and keeping watch. We called her, "Here kitty, kitty" but she didn't bat an eye. Probably a good thing. Erik was feeling much better.
We then turned the corner and saw a Rhino on the side of the hill, then saw a Mama Rhino and her baby. It was so cool!!
The Park has a Rock mine so we took the Wonder Cave tour. It was discovered by the Italians back in the late 1800s. They mined Limestone for about 10 years then it hasn't been disturbed since, except by tourists. It was cool inside, actually 62 degrees cool- year round.
We then made our way to the baby animal section. We were able to pet a black panther, tiger, and white lion. The panthers just lay there as we pet them and picked them up but the tigers were so fun. They actually sat in our laps and tried to chew on our shoes. It was awesome!!

We had lunch at the cafe and there were 2 baby hippos in cage beside the restaurant. After lunch, many more animals were there to guide us out of the park. We saw many types of antelopes with curly horns, cape buffalo, zebras, warthogs and wildebeest. Erik changed his mind about wanting his money back as we left.

1 comment:

MeMe said...

SO SO cool. I can't wait to hear all about it.